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How to Safely Recover Anthrax?

by root / 29 Jun, 2014

What are the Hazards of Anthrax?

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by a spore-forming bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. It is generally acquired following contact with anthrax-infected animals or anthrax-contaminated animal products.

How to Safely Recover Beryllium Dust?

by root / 29 Jun, 2014

What are the Hazards of Beryllium Dust? Toxic metals, including "heavy metals," are individual metals and metal compounds that negatively affect people's health. Some toxic, semi-metallic elements, including arsenic and selenium, are discussed in this page.

How to Safely Recover Arsenic Compounds?

by root / 06 May, 2014

What are the Hazards of Arsenic Dust? Toxic metals, including "heavy metals," are individual metals and metal compounds that negatively affect people's health. Some toxic, semi-metallic elements, including arsenic and selenium, are discussed in this page.

How to Safely Recover Allergens and Combustible Dust in Bakeries?

by root / 06 May, 2014

What are the Hazards of working in a Bakery? The bakery is a workplace that contains various types of allergens.

How to Safely Recover Asbestos?

by root / 01 May, 2014

What are the Hazards of Asbestos? Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring minerals that are resistant to heat and corrosion.


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